Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Moot Point?

Perhaps all my agonizing over whether or not to induce at 37 weeks will turn out to be for naught. I spent today in L&D contracting every 2-3 minutes. Fun, fun. After several rounds of t.erburtiline (or however its spelled), they have pretty much stopped and I am home now. I am on p.rocardia and will be on bedrest until at least Monday when I am re-evaluated. So now I have something new to worry about I guess.


Clarissa said...

Oh Jesus. I hope the little girl/guy hangs on a least for a couple of more weeks - I'm sure that's what your midwives are hoping for.

How many weeks are you now?

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for nothing but good news.

a- said...

OMG! Hang in there just a little longer.

Sue said...

Crossing fingers and toes for an extended stay for your little one.

Thinking of you and hoping all is well.

k@lakly said...

Hoping the drugs work and you get three and half more weeks of baking in the oven:)
Enough drama already, right?

Coggy said...

I'm with Kal, way to much drama ;o)
I hope the drugs and rest do the trick and you get to the end of the month. It's not long now, I know it must feel an age, but we're here to keep you company and tough it out.
Hang in there hon!

CLC said...

hope you are still baking the little one. please give us an update!