Friday, March 21, 2008

Quick Update

Sorry I disappeared. K has been the hospital all week with pneumonia. We were discharged this morning and I am exhausted. I have a lot to post about though. We were in the same hospital where Owen was born and I have some stuff I want to say about it. For now though, I want to shower, eat a real meal and sleep.


Anonymous said...

Rest up and take care of yourselves for a while. We'll be here when you get back.

k@lakly said...

Oh I knew something was wrong, I am glad to hear it is better now. I hope you get your rest and everyone is recovered and good as new in no time. How scary and awful to have to go back there.
Take care of you and all your wee ones.

Rosalind said...

I was reading up on your posts that i have missed..I had gone asstray for a bit..Glad everything is okay now and I can only imagine what you have to say about the hospital visit

c. said...

Hope K is doing okay. You, too.

CLC said...

Hope K is doing well. I am sure that was a fright for you. Glad you are both home.